Shit On Your Play – The Return

Boy, it’s been a while.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back. For too long the theatre scene has cruised by, enjoying season upon season of relaxed reviews, confused critics, and dumbfounded displays of ‘art’. But it’s time to bring back the truth to media. Put the Play back in Shit On Your Play.

Now, as you may have guessed, I am not Jane (as nice as that would be). So I suppose first thing’s first, hello! I am Manan. I’ve been writing reviews for some time now and have had the privilege to know Jane and her work. I am a gin enthusiast but love an old fashioned. I wish I was better at golf. I did one trial shift as a barback and nearly cried. I once wanted to be the first man to sail the Bermuda Triangle unharmed. Now, I hold the lofty task of running things on this great blog. A blog that returns control of Sydney theatre to the people.

Much like things used to be, I welcome your comments. I look forward to sharing with you what’s going on in Sydney. We’ll cover plays (as is obvious), occasionally a bar or two, perhaps some visual art, or even music – so get ready for more. I’ll be using Facebook and Twitter like never before to increase this discussion.

So without further ado, let’s get to it. Catch me at the Old 505 this Friday for the opening of Hell’s Canyon, PACT next week for SheShakespeare’s Macbeth, and Moore Park in 2 weeks time for the Pop-Up Globe’s opening night of Macbeth.

Oh Sydney, we’re going to have such a wonderful few seasons together.

~Also, whilst Jane and I sort out the handover process, bear with me as I change a few details on the site. As Terminator tells us, machines are scary, unpredictable things.~

More reviews

Review: Goldberg Variations, Pinchgut Opera

Aryan Mohseni

Review: Song of First Desire, Belvoir St Theatre

Eden Caceda

Review: Nucleus, Griffin Theatre Company

Tolga Canbulat


Anonymous August 1, 2018 at 8:43 am

Hello Manan, I too am a gin enthusiast but have recently developed a taste for absinthe. Looking forward to more content.

Unknown August 2, 2018 at 2:20 am

Hey, Manan. I sent a poster, media release, and some sweet nothings to Jane's email. It's Johnny Cobra's Floating Roadshow; four short funny plays back to back at 107, Redfern St. Let me know if there's another email I can hit up. Cheers. Tommy Green – Producer.


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