It’s Not Creepy If They’re Hot @ Sydney Fringe FestivalManan LuthraSeptember 12, 2018April 28, 2019 by Manan LuthraSeptember 12, 2018April 28, 2019 As is inherent in the name, the Sydney Fringe is a mixed bag. It takes a considerably lucky and calculated pick to find the right
The Merchant of Venice @ Pop-Up GlobeManan LuthraSeptember 3, 2018April 28, 2019 by Manan LuthraSeptember 3, 2018April 28, 2019 If you’ve been on social media at all over the past few months, there’s a chance you would’ve seen videos about the much-hyped Pop-Up Globe
Sport for Jove’s Moby Dick @ Seymour Centre, lost in translation before meManan LuthraAugust 12, 2018April 23, 2019 by Manan LuthraAugust 12, 2018April 23, 2019 Sport for Jove’s most recent incarnation is a show you really want to like. Even for a man whose knowledge of Moby Dick is limited
Johnny Cobra’s Floating Roadshow @ 107Manan LuthraAugust 11, 2018April 28, 2019 by Manan LuthraAugust 11, 2018April 28, 2019 Ah, how I’ve missed the 107. In many ways, it’s like walking into my nan’s place – saggy couches, artwork that’s more or less there
Webster’s Bar/Hell’s Canyon @ The Old 505Manan LuthraAugust 4, 2018April 28, 2019 by Manan LuthraAugust 4, 2018April 28, 2019 Today we’ve got a double bill – a quick writeup of Webster’s Bar in Newtown and a longer piece on an actual show. Lovely place
Shit On Your Play – The ReturnManan LuthraAugust 1, 2018April 23, 2019 by Manan LuthraAugust 1, 2018April 23, 2019 Boy, it’s been a while. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back. For too long the theatre scene has cruised by, enjoying season upon season of relaxed